What do I think about when I don’t have to think about anything? When I go to the bookstore, what kinds of books do I look at? Which magazines do I leaf through?
What did I love to do as a young girl?
What skills or competencies have I acquired over my life, especially out of necessity rather than want? How are they transferable?
What piece of me do I feel I have set aside? And why did I?
What is something that I am really good at?
What has been my biggest challenge in life thus far? Who would I be without this challenge?
What did my parents want to accomplish and didn’t?
Who are my heros and why?
Ha en bra dag. Få inte solsting! Jag ska duscha, så snart Mikael är klar, och sen sätta mig på framsidan. Där är det temperaturer man tål. Inne är det just nu 30,1 och ute (på baksidan) 29,7. Det blir en bok och Baden. Mmmm.
P.S. Undrar vad de har i Bagdad. 45??? Puh.
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