do you have a nickname, if so what?
eating or sleeping?
long hair or short?
secret wish?
Vara lagom smal
how many mosquitoe bites do you currently have?
Inga, tack och lov! Men det finns väl å andra sidan inte så många myggor inomhus, där jag jämt är.
do you believe in afterlife?
Klart! Spännande!!!!!!!!!
If you could be a career criminal, what path would you take to accomplishing this?
Juveltjuv kanske, eller sån där smart och sofistikerad tjuv som det görs filmer om.
How much do you want to make annually?
Lagom, såklart. 5 000 mer än nu i näven vore bra. 10 vore lyx.
If you saw a monkey driving a car down the street, what would your first reaction be?
"Vad har jag tatt för piller???"
If St. Peter asked you to recite Pi in order to get into Heaven, what would you do?
3,14151628 (sagt med ett leende så han skulle släppa in mig ändå)
Do you own a cell phone? If so, what kind?
En Nokia 6267.
blonde or brunette?
"brunett är rätt"
If You Won 40 Billion Dollars On The Lottery, What Would You Spend It On? Do You Think You Spend That Amount Of Money In Your Life Time?
Lägenhet, BMW, sommarhus lite varstans, kläder och skor och väskor och böcker och musik och möbler och ...
would you choose a sword or gun?
A gun
How long are your toenails?
korta. Ibland så korta att lite längre hade varit bra... Blodvite...
Craziest thing you have ever done?!?
Jag är lite för normal för att kunna skriva nåt här... Sorry.
What kind of Eggs Do you like?
Inga egentligen. I så fall om man blandar dem med socker, vetemjöl, bakpulver, mjölk och kakao på 175 grader.
What was the last movie you saw in the theater?
Indy 4
What's something weird about yourself?
I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.
What Is Your Favorite Ice Cream?
Åååå, en krämig sak, kanske choklad eller blåbär, eller hallon, eller choklad.
Lamborghini or Ferrari?
First thing you broke
My heart, I'm sure
Shoes you wore today
Röda lackballerina
When dismantling a bomb, do you cut the black wire or the yellow wire?
Yellow, since it is yellow so you can notice it easily when you are disarming the bomb. Or wait, that is exactly what they want me to think! I cut the black one! Pooooooooff.
do you like strawberries
Ja, men är allergisk. Surt va!
do you whistle?
sällan faktiskt
what is your favorite flower?
What languages do you speak?
Svenska, engelska, danska (i mitt huvud låter det perfekt), tyska, franska, spanska, italienska om det räknas i fallet de ord som finns med på konvoluten till Laura Pausins och Eros ramazzottis CD:ar
Which chocolate company do you like the most?
Top thing on your To Do list
Flytta imorgon oc hsen packa ur allt. Sen skaffa soffa.
What are you doing tonight?
Försent, it is almost tomorrow.
What are your favorite colors?
burgundy, crimson
Do you have or want any pets?
No, no. No!! A dog that doesn't shed, smell, eat, pee or poo or need walks. And that doesn't need to get shots or insurance or baths. I'd call him Darcy.
If you had an hour left to live, what would you do?
What is your favorite smell???
M's neck. And if that is not around, cinnamon rolls, newly mowed grass, freshly cut wood, babies, clean laundry, summer rain
Have you graduated high school? If not, do you plan to?
Aha, det här testet är får tonåringar???
What is your favorite type of dance? (salsa, breakdance, ballet, freestyle, etc.)
Se på eller göra? (märkte ni, jag undvek att svara!)
Night or Day?
Jag tar båda tack. Lite åpen får man väl vara?
Re-live your childhood? What would you change?
Inget, jo att jag blev retad för mina kläder och för mina icke-bröst
Mac or PC
Would you rather have the ability to see the color blue, or two doughnuts?
stranded on an island you can take unimited books or music, which do you choose?
Books! Fast hellre solglasögon eller mediciner eller solskyddsfaktor (knowing me)
Do you like Nelly Furtado?
Nä, inte precis
Finish the sentence: "The way you smile..."
takes my breath away
How confident are you in yourself?
Lunch / Dinner?
Ja tack.
What song are you listening to right now?
Ingen. Minns inte ens vad som ligger i CD-spelaren. Förmodligen förra sommarens Bublé-CD.
if you had one wish what would it be
What is your favorite season?
When one starts to become the next.
What is my favorite nail polish color?
sån där vinröd/gammalrosa färg som min morgonrock har.
Nail art or French?
Om jag hade starkta långa naglar, så French. Man vill vad man inte kan.
Introverted or extroverted?
INTJ tror jag...
Do you sing in the shower?
Nej, men jag kasnke borde börja!
Gold or Silver?
If you were an animal, what kind would you be?
En delfin. Eller en söt hund.
if you fell off a cliff what would be you last thought?
Hoppas bungee-sladden sitter fast ordentligt!
What are you looking forward to this summer?
Flytta in i min lägenhet, umgås med Mikael
College degree in what?
English literature. Literary theory.
Musical instrument I play?
piano och cello. Spelar och spelar... Torterar!
Family or friends?
Looks or Personality?
I have both, thanks for asking...
East Coast or West Coast?
West coast
What motivates you?
My own thoughts
Are you a good friend or not ?
Not as good as I'd like to be.
If you look at the color blue, what does it make you think of?
Vatten, M:s kök, mitt badrum.
Favorite perfume?
Calvin Klein Euphoria Blossom, eller Ralph Lauren Romance
Do you like thunderstorms?
Jaaaaa, tycker det är jättemysigt!
What kind of car do you drive?
Den jag ska övningsköra så fort handledartillståndet går igenom.
What's your favorite sport?
La musique m'a sauvée du sport.
Chocolate or other candy?
City or the suburbs?
Suburbs faktiskt. Har blivit vuxen...
Do you believe a good life is attainable? or is it something that is out of our control ie subject to luck etc.
Töntigt, klart det är attainable! Har a good life nu!
beach or mountain?
left handed or right handed?
who do you count on when feeling down
M, mamma, Ellen
Do you hold hands when you walk in public?
Close your eyes for a moment, who pops into your head?
Han heter visst Mikael Olergård
Do you say "I love you" in the relationship?
Ja, men inte så mycket så det stör.
Aliens have landed and selected you to visit their home planet. Do you go with them?
Nä. De vill bara åt min kropp.
Describe your perfect Sunday morning?
Sova tills jag vaknar, ligga i sängen och läsa, göra mig i ordning långsamt för kyrkan.
If you could be successful at any job in the world, what would that job be?
Writer, lätt.
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
Sverige, med eget flygplan
If you have friends coming for supper what would you cook?
Pasta med kyckling kanske, och melon och lufttorkan skinka till förrätt, och chokladtiramisú till efterrätt
What makes you laugh?
Me and others and everything and nothing
Do you believe that the cup is half empty or half full?
Have never understood that question. It's both!
When do you plan on getting married?
Vågar inte jinx it genom att säga ett datum här.
How do you feel?
What size shoe do you wear?
41, fast jag kanske borde ha 42 oftare
Water or 100% Juice?
100% juice. Jag vet att jag borde svara vatten.
Would you rather lose an arm or a leg?
pest eller kolera. Ett protesben är lättare att gå med än en protesarm är lätt att "vad man nu gör med armarna" med.
Favorite Place to Eat?
Just nu, eftersom frågorna är amerikanska, tänker jag på Sbarros pasta. Måste vara hungrig!
Opera, Musical, Concert, Play, Performance, or Other?
musikal eller konsert. Fast Riverdance var ju nåt utöver det vanliga!
Most Memorable Past?
I only have one past. And yes, it is memorable.
Most embarrassing moment?
Antagligen när jag sa Stopp i lagens namn till Dan Lind.
If you had to pick one car, which would it be?
Nån snygg men understated BMW
Where is Waldo?
Jag orkar inte leta.
Favorite element?
What was your last thought?
I don't know any longer. I started thinking abotu what my last thought was and then the thought disappeared.
Juice and crackers or milk and cookies?
Milk and coookies!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite fruit?
Ananas, nektarin, apelsin, jordgubbar