Intressant dikt

Läste den här dikten igår på Segullah. Intressant! En del som kritiserar eller kanske bara rentav inte förstår kyrkan nämner gärna "alla regler" och hur de hindrar och begränsar ens frihet. Hörde en judinna på TV härom dagen som svarade på samma fråga och sa att reglerna snarare gör henne fri. Det kan vara svårt att förstå, men den här dikten förklarar det så bra.

I (Melissa Y) wrote this a while ago when I was feeling conflicted about making covenants while too young to fully understand them. Both the poem and my feelings are still a work in progress, so we can talk about either.
“the serpent”
you have the power to choose,
he hisses,
wrapping around my discontent with
soothing deception.
he flaunts the power of the gift,
the very gift he sought to crush.
relentless, he presents
upon grinding option,
knowing all the while that
I surrendered my gift
years ago
upon the altar.
you were so young,
you didn’t know—

words from the forked tongue,
and yet he bruised Eve’s heel
despite her innocence.
confusion, excuse,
fall away, hollow,
as I come to see
the only choice I truly have:
which bondage to embrace
bending my neck, I press ahead,
thankful for the blindness that
enabled me to choose the chains
that bind me safe to Him
who holds the power
to crush
the serpent’s

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